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Pandemie-Verschwörungserzählungen: Die ewige Wut der Corona-Gekränkten

Koalitionsausschuss: 15 positive Ergebnisse

Gescheiterte Privatisierungen: Das wird uns noch lange wehtun

Britain’s Finally Figuring Out Brexit (Really) Was the Biggest Mistake in Modern History

The vision that Britain’s leaders have is now basically an American fairy tale — a libertarian one. Sunak’s grinning — grinning — while the NHS collapses, which means people can’t get medicine, hospital beds, ambulances, and they die…because to the way of thinking of someone who’s a true believer in ultra hard American right wing economics — the kind they teach religiously at Stanford…there’s not supposed to be an NHS. There aren’t supposed to be any public goods at all.

Waldorfschule Duisburg: Erbitterte Vorwürfe von Veruntreuung, Intrigen und Rechtsbrüchen

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